DEA Enforcement Update: Pharmacies Under Compliance Scrutiny for Their Handling of Controlled Substances


U.S. pharmacies continue to be targeted by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) enforcement actions, through civil allegations and criminal prosecutions brought by the Department of Justice (DOJ) as well as through the DEA’s administrative registration revocation proceedings. 

Alleged failures to resolve red flags of drug abuse and diversion, alleged violations of DEA recordkeeping requirements, and a range of other alleged wrongdoings continue to bring close DEA and DOJ scrutiny of the actions (or inactions) of pharmacies, pharmacists and their employees. 

This white paper, brought to you by the experts at Thompson Controlled Substances, tracks the latest DEA and DOJ enforcement actions involving the dispensing of controlled substances and analyzes important recent cases and settlements — all cautionary tales that can encourage pharmacies and pharmacists to scrutinize their operations to ensure compliance with exacting federal requirements.

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